Hello! I’m a student in the process of finishing my undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Michigan State University.
I currently work as an Application Support Specialist Intern at AM General. I'm originally from Coloma, a small town in South-West Michigan.
I am passionate about designing and learning about technology and how it can play a beneficial role in the world around us. I am excited to see the impact I can have and look forward to exploring the field more broadly.

Feel free to reach out!

JAVA    •    PYTHON    •    C++    •    C    •    ARM ASSEMBLY    •    JAVASCRIPT / HTML / CSS    •    GIT/GITHUB    •    REACT    •    BOOTSTRAP    •    POWER APPS / POWER AUTOMATE / POWER BI    •    FASTAPI    •    AZURE    •    POSTMAN


A list of the several courses that have helped me develop my skills in programming and aided in my journey to create meaningful software.


A collection of my projects that have allowed me to apply my skills and knowledge to create meaningful solutions.



Graduating December 2025

  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Computer Systems
  • Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Discrete Structures in Computer Science
  • Introduction to Engineering Design
  • Introduction to Programming I, II - Python, C++
  • Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III / Multivariable Calculus
  • Physics I, Physics II
Coloma High School Logo
"COLOMA HIGH SCHOOL" High School Diploma

September 2015 - May 2020

  • Advanced Placement Computer Science
  • Foundations of Programming
  • Public Speaking I, Public Speaking II


While I dont quite yet have my full collection of projects on display, I have included samples of code from past projects and assignments. More content will be added soon.


Program written in java that inputs two numbers and returns all the prime numbers between them.

import java.util.ArrayList;
* Returns all prime numbers within a given range
* @author Cole Current
* @version 5/12/2020
public class PrimeNumberGenerator{
    public static ArrayList<Integer> findPrimes(int low, int high){
        ArrayList<Integer> primes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        //Loops through entire range of given numbers
        for(int i = low; i < high; i++){
        boolean prime = true;
        int j = 2;
        while(j <= i/2){
                //Checks if current index is a prime number
                if(i % j == 0){
                    prime = false;
                    j += i;
            //If number is prime add to array of prime numbers
        //Return full array of prime numbers
        return primes;
import java.util.Scanner;
* Inputs a range of numbers and outputs the range of prime 
* numbers within that range from PrimeNumberGenerator.java
* @author Cole Current
* @version 5/12/2020
public class PrimeNumberTester
public static void main(String[] args)
    //Declare Scanner
    Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
    //Declare Object
    PrimeNumberGenerator prime = new PrimeNumberGenerator();
    //Ask user for lows and highs
    System.out.println("            Welcome to the Prime Number Generator");
    System.out.println("First you have to enter range of numbers");
    System.out.print("Please enter the low value: ");
    int low = in.nextInt();
    System.out.print("Please enter the high value: ");
    int high = in.nextInt();
    //Outputs all prime numbers within range
    System.out.println("All prime numbers between " + low + " and " + high + ".");
    System.out.println(prime.findPrimes(low, high));
Sample output for input of "13" and "74"
                Welcome to the Prime Number Generator
    First you have to enter range of numbers

    Please enter the low value: 13

    Please enter the high value: 74

    All prime numbers between 13 and 74.
    [13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73]


Program written in python that extracts and organizes data from a seperate .csv file of countries histories and governments while allowing the user parse through the given information.

#   CSE 231 Project 7
#   Program
#       Prompt for file
#       Organize country infromation from files into 2 lists
#       Prompt for 4 options
#           1) Show which regime has lasted longest for specific country
#           2) List all countries which had lonest specified government
#           3) List all countries to specified length that have had the most regime changes
#           4) Prompt to quit
#   Cole Current
#   4/13/2022

import csv
from operator import itemgetter

REGIME=["Closed autocracy","Electoral autocracy","Electoral democracy","Liberal democracy"]
MENU='''\nRegime Options:
            (1) Display regime history
            (2) Display allies
            (3) Display chaotic regimes        
def open_file():
    Opens specified file without crashing the program

    File Pointer
        File pointer of specified file

    #Loops until a valid file is opened
    while True:
        #Gets file name input
        user_input = input("Enter a file: ")
        #Opens file wth name of input
            open(user_input, "r")
        #If file name does not exist display error message
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print("File not found. Please try again.")
    #Returns opened file pointer
    return open(user_input, "r")

def read_file(fp):
    Converts information from files into 2 lists

    File Pointer
        File Pointer from previously descirbed funciton

    country_names : List
        list of every country from a file
    list_of_regime_lists : List of Lists
        List of every countries regime over a time period that exists in file

    reader = csv.reader(fp)
    #Skips first line
    next(fp, None)

    country_names = []
    list_of_regime_lists = [] #Master list of regimes
    local_regime_list = [] #List of regimes for specific country
    previous_country = None
    #Counter variable
    country_index = 0

    #Loops through every line in the file
    for line_lst in reader:
        country = line_lst[1]
        regime = line_lst[4]
        if country != previous_country:
            previous_country = country
            country_names.append(country) #Append country to list
            #Append regime list to master regime list
            if country_index < 1:
            #Reset local list of regimes
            local_regime_list = []
            country_index += 1      
    #Append last regime onto master list
    return country_names, list_of_regime_lists

def history_of_country(country,country_names,list_of_regime_lists):
    Finds which regime has existed the longest in a specified country
    country : str
        Name of country in country_name list
    country_names : List
        List of every country in file
    list_of_regime_lists : List of lists
        List of every countries regime over a time period that exists in file

        Names of regime

    #Number of times each country has had a specific government
    count_0 = 0
    count_1 = 0
    count_2 = 0
    count_3 = 0
    max = 0
    #Finds position of country in list of countries
    index = country_names.index(country)
    #Creates list of every regime held of specified country
    regime_history_list = list_of_regime_lists[index]
    #Finds total years that regimes have existed
    for item in regime_history_list:
        if item == 0:
            count_0 += 1
        elif item == 1:
            count_1 += 1
        elif item == 2:
            count_2 += 1
        elif item == 3:
            count_3 += 1
    #Finds which regime was in power the longest
    if count_0 > max:
        max = count_0
    if count_1 > max:
        max = count_1
    if count_2 > max:
        max = count_2
    if count_3 > max:
        max = count_3
    #Returns longest lasting regime
    if max == count_0:
        return "Closed autocracy"
    if max == count_1:
        return "Electoral autocracy"
    if max == count_2:
        return "Electoral democracy"
    if max == count_3:
        return "Liberal democracy"

def historical_allies(regime,country_names,list_of_regime_lists):
    Finds all countries that have had specified regime the longest

    regime : string
        Name of regime in string form
    country_names : List
        List of every country in file
    list_of_regime_lists : List of lists
        List of every countries regime over a time period that exists in file

    list_of_allies : List
        list of every country that has had the longest specified regime
    list_of_allies = []
    #Loops through list of countries
    for country in country_names:
        #Calls history_of_country() function to longest regimes
        regime_name = history_of_country(country, country_names, list_of_regime_lists)
        #Checks if current country was most often the specified regime
        if regime_name == regime:
            #Adds country to list of countries with same longest regime
    return list_of_allies

def top_coup_detat_count(top, country_names,list_of_regime_lists):          
    Creates a list of countries that have had the most regime change 

    top : int
        Number of countries that are going to be listed in final list
    country_names : List
        List of every country in file
    list_of_regime_lists : List of lists
        List of every countries regime over a time period that exists in file

    List of Tuples
        List of tuples that contain the country and the amount of regime changes it has had
    num_of_coup = 0
    #index variable
    i = 0
    #List of countries and amount of coups   
    coup_list = []
    #Loops through list of lists that contain regime
    for item in list_of_regime_lists:
        #Counter variable
        counter = -1
        prev_gov = None
        #Loops through individual regime changes
        for gov in item:
            #Counts regime changes
            if gov != prev_gov:
                prev_gov = gov
                counter += 1
        coup_list.append((country_names[i], counter))
        i += 1
    #Sorts countries by number of regime changes           
    coup_list.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse = True)
    return coup_list[:top]

def main():
    fp = open_file()
    country_names, list_of_regime_lists = read_file(fp)
    while True:
        user_input = input("Input an option (Q to quit): ")
        #Quit Function
        if user_input == 'q' or user_input == 'Q':
        #Option 1
        if user_input == '1':
            while True:
                    country_input = input("Enter a country: ")
                    history = history_of_country(country_input, country_names, list_of_regime_lists)
                    print("Invalid country. Please try again.")
            if history[0] == "C" or history[0] == "L":
                print("Historically " + country_input + " has mostly been a " + history)
                print("Historically " + country_input + " has mostly been an " + history)
        #Option 2
        if user_input == '2':
            while True:
                    regime_input = input("Enter a regime: ")
                    allies = historical_allies(regime_input, country_names, list_of_regime_lists)
                    allies_list = []
                    for country in allies:
                        country_format = (country + ",")
                    allies_string = (' '.join(allies_list))
                    print("Invalid regime. Please try again.")
            print("Historically these countries are allies of type: " + regime_input)
            allies_list = []
            for country in allies:
                country_format = (country + ",")
            allies_string = (' '.join(allies_list))
        #Option 3
        if user_input == '3':
            while True:
                    top_input = input("Enter how many to display: ")
                    top_list = top_coup_detat_count(int(top_input), country_names, list_of_regime_lists)
                    print("Invalid number. Please try again.")
            print("\n{: >25} {: >8}".format("Country", "Changes"))
            #"{: >25} {: >8}"
            for items in top_list:
                print("{: >25} {: >8}".format(items[0], items[1]))
    print("The end.")
    Enter a file: main_data.csv

    Regime Options:
                (1) Display regime history
                (2) Display allies
                (3) Display chaotic regimes        
    Input an option (Q to quit): 1
    Enter a country: Afghanistan

    Historically Afghanistan has mostly been a Closed autocracy

    Regime Options:
                (1) Display regime history
                (2) Display allies
                (3) Display chaotic regimes        
    Input an option (Q to quit): 2
    Enter a regime: Liberal democracy

    Historically these countries are allies of type: Liberal democracy

    Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, 
    Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, 
    Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

    Regime Options:
                (1) Display regime history
                (2) Display allies
                (3) Display chaotic regimes        
    Input an option (Q to quit): 3
    Enter how many chaotic regimes to display: 10

                    Country  Changes

                    Argentina      9
                    Bolivia        7
                    South Sudan    7
                    Sudan          7
                    Ghana          6
                    Bangladesh     5
                    Ecuador        5
                    Honduras       5
                    Peru           5
                    Philippines    5

    Regime Options:
                (1) Display regime history
                (2) Display allies
                (3) Display chaotic regimes        
    Input an option (Q to quit): q
    The end.


  • MAIN LOCATION: 918 E Grand River Ave, East Lansing, MI
  • LINKEDIN: linkedin.com/in/colecurrent
  • PHONE NUMBER: (269) 281-1599
  • PERSONAL EMAIL: colecurrent7@gmail.com
  • STUDENT EMAIL: currentc@msu.edu
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